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Enjoyable little game, can't wait to see how it develops!

mood to be tbh

Not bad for a sci-fi pre-alpha! My second favourite unreleased space game by far! The sounds are incredible. The gameplay is cool too, but the sound designer, holy moly I reckon he is a top-class citizen

A true space civilian

There isn't even an exit in the levels and my wife has already left me from me speedrunning it

try roll cancelling before I fix it, it's like you're ice skating

Game Cums
cool alien

cool robit

shoot good

play it

play it now


This game brings me into a very cool alternate universe, unlike some actions shooters - this didn't bore me at all and i had fun the whole time i was playing it


Love the weapons.. different guns have very different feelings, I can really tell what you're going for with them. Hopefully a bit more variety(shotguns!) makes it into the game along the way

I'm planning on a whole lot more variety, I actually had a trench gun

already drawn up